Manufactured by means of mechanical operations using the method of the first cold pressing.
This wonderful highly dietetic oil is manufactured with a use of the new vitamin preserving technology from mustard seeds.
Many years ago this dietetic oil was sold just at court of Nickolay the 2nd and was called imperial delicacy.
It has a specific aroma and a piquant taste, wonderful gastronomic and dietetic properties.
Mustard oil is perfectly combined with vegetables and greens, it is also an ideal ingredient for dressing vegetable salads, beetroot salads, boiled potatoes; it adds delicacy to serials and emphasizes the natural taste of vegetables and other cold appetizers (salads equipped with this dressing can be preserved fresh for a longer period as far as mustard oil is a natural antiseptic agent); it is used for cooking flour and bakery products (equipped with mustard oil any pastry becomes puffy and has a goldish tint and a pleasant aroma; it doesn’t get stale so fast); it is used for home canning and vegetable frying. Pancakes, fish meat and potatoes fried using mustard oil receive a peculiar, pleasant and inimitable taste.
Mustard oil improves appetite and stimulates digestion process.
A peculiar feature of mustard oil among other oils is that it can preserve its properties for a long period; it is oxidation resistant and rancidity resistant. It can be added to other oils. It is recommended to use it for canning in order to provide a better preservation of canned foods. Therefore it is the most preferable to use mustard oil for preparing canned food for winter period as far as it a perfect antiseptic agent and is esculent 4 times as long as sunflower oil: Received in the result of cold pressing it can be kept for more than two years without change of taste properties.
Mustard oil is not just a highly nourishing product but also a perfect agent with a broad spectrum of therapeutic effect.
Mustard oil composition and useful properties
Oil received from mustard seeds is one of the most useful oils. It is a good antiseptic agent and it has a great amount of vitamins included to its composition: A, B6, D, E, K, P, PP and so it improves human immunity, strengthens heart and brings away atherosclerosis. Besides vitamins mustard oil contains magnesium, sulfur, ferrum,, sodium, potassium and calcium which significantly improve functions of liver and gall bladder. Mustard oil also contains phytocides, glycosides, tocopherols, phospholipids and sinigrin. This “bouquet” of useful elements not just improves metabolism but also slows down aging processes; and attention! – it can help to loose weight. The full range composition of biologically active components balanced by the nature itself is preserved in this oil. Mustard oil has an optimal ratio of indispensible fatty acids OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6.
Mustard oil contains beta-sitosterol (estrogen like, anti-atherosclerotic, antifungal, bacteriostatic activity), it increases amounts of leukocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin. Mustard oil is rich for natural antibiotics (isothiocyanates, sinegrin, essencial mustard oil), therefore it has bactericidal and anthelmintic activity; due to this fact it can treat gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and catarrhal diseases. Many nutritionists and naturopaths admire it and call it a matchless natural medicine.
Mustard oil has absolutely all fat-soluble vitamins:
- vitamin A promoting organism growth and immunity strengthening;
- vitamins K and P improving strength and elasticity of capillars;
- vitamin P which is also widely known as “fat burner” in the organism;
- Mustard oil contains vitamin B6 playing an important role in nitrogen metabolism and processes of amino acids synthesis and breakdown and in addition it promotes this vitamin secretion performed by microorganisms presented in intestine; vitamin B6 takes key positions in processes of amino acids synthesis and breakdown;
- vitamin PP is presented in mustard oil in an easily digestible form – it improves carbohydrate metabolism, participates in tissue respiration and has a vasorelaxant action;
- Mustard oil and buckwheat oil are just two oils containing carotin which has general health improving action; at the same time the first of two mentioned oils is the champion in its class as for ammounts of carotin (polivitamin A); vitamin A is preserved in it for the period of up to 8 months;
- And here is another unique feature of mustard oil: it has 1.5 times as much of vitamin D as sunflower oil and 4 times as much of vitamin E (vitamin of youth) as sunflower oil; this vitamin is preserved in mustard oil 4-5 times as long as in other oils. Such vitamin stability is indispensable for methabolism as far as it uniquely prevents development of local and oxigen starvation; vitamin E promotes lowering blood cholesterol level and plays an indispensable role in all reproductive processes and in sexual system functioning.
Mustard oil is useful in case of:
- gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases;
- lipid exchange disorders and atherosclerosis;
- neurotic diseases: neuroses, neuritis, excessive excitability, insomnia;
- hypertension;
- congestions of blood in head and climax;
- colds;
- external wounds and burns.
It is used for immunity improvement, promotes organism growing and development, facilitates lactation of nursing mothers. This oil increases organism resistance to infections, has antistatic and bactericidal effects. It is recommended for massage especially for fat people.
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