The MusclePharm Promise
With the support of our partners, MusclePharm gains the ability to help professional athletes and the everyday active individual reach their maximum potential. Our partners are companies who share common values with MusclePharm and whose products we believe in and use every day. #WELIVETHIS
BUILD CONFIDENCE: No challenge is more daunting than facing our own weakness. We exist to wage war against our fears and failures, to overcome every obstacle we encounter and realize the dreams we have envisioned.
BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER: Excellence is only enhanced by excellence. We create community around hard work and assemble teams that push us farther than we could have ever gone alone.
NEVER STOP GRINDING: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. With the right people around you there's no limit to how far you can go.
LEAD BY EXAMPLE: No matter how strong we started, we push forward chasing a more ambitious tomorrow. Our strength and skills show others what is possible. Once we have conquered ourselves, all that remains is to be a beacon to others.
It’s well understood that our muscles naturally restore and repair themselves as we sleep. To support and accelerate the recovery time, a powerful protein supplement packed with 100% casein is the choice of professional athletes and workout enthusiasts. MusclePharm Combat 100% Casein protein delivers sustained, slow-digesting protein and amino acids that go to work to help rebuild and repair muscles while you sleep. We start with the best micellar casein protein available, then combine it with a digestive enzyme blend to deliver quality muscle-promoting proteins. While you sleep, your muscles are getting fed—and fed well.
This gluten-free casein protein supplement has been banned-substance tested and certified by Informed-Choice. Our team at MusclePharm cares about the products you put into your body, and our team uses these products as well. We’ve engineered our Combat 100% Casein protein powder to be taken between meals as a healthy snack, and/or before bed, letting it support your muscles while you sleep. We’ve added a digestive enzyme blend that helps your digestive system distribute the potent casein protein throughout your body without upsetting your belly. It’s an ideal nighttime protein source to take before bed, and it contains zero grams of fat and only one gram of sugar.
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